L’International University of Monaco (IUM) è un istituto privato di istruzione superiore fondato nel 1986 nel Principato di Monaco.
Dal 2010 IUM fa parte del Gruppo INSEEC, diventato poi OMNES Education, una delle più grandi istituzioni educative francesi. IUM ha la licenza di rilasciare diplomi e titoli di studio dal governo di Monaco.
Offre corsi di laurea a livello di laurea, master e dottorato. Il governo di Monaco riconosce i diplomi IUM (ultimo rinnovo atto ministeriale n. 2018-300 del 4 aprile 2018).
L’International University of Monaco è governata da un consiglio di amministrazione presieduto dal Professore Emerito Bernard Ramanantsoa, ex rettore di HEC Paris tra il 1996 e il 2015. Il consiglio di amministrazione beneficia della consulenza dell’International Advisory Board, presieduto da Pierre André Chiappori (E. Rowan and Barbara Steinschneider Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York) su questioni strategiche, e del Consiglio scientifico, presieduto da Michel Pham (professore di marketing alla Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York) sullo sviluppo scientifico dell’Università.
Il direttore general e rettore di IUM siede nel consiglio di amministrazione e ha l’autorità di amministratore delegato. È responsabile dell’esecuzione del piano strategico approvato dal Consiglio di Amministrazione. In questo compito, è assistito dal Comitato Esecutivo, che comprende il Vice Decano, il Direttore del Programma di Laurea e delle Operazioni, il Direttore delle Relazioni Aziendali, il Direttore della Ricerca e un Capo Dipartimento.
La facoltà è organizzata in tre Dipartimenti Accademici (Economia e Finanza, Marketing e Comunicazione, Strategia e Management) ed è posta sotto la diretta supervisione del Direttore Generale.
Il vice rettore ha la responsabilità della qualità accademica, dei processi e dell’accreditamento. Il direttore delle Corporate Relations supervisiona anche il Career Service e le relazioni con gli Alumni.
Il direttore generale supervisiona le funzioni di supporto (marketing e recruiting, relazioni aziendali e servizi di carriera, relazioni con gli Alumni, gestione delle risorse umane, operazioni e IT, contabilità e finanza).
Valorizzando le caratteristiche uniche della sua Location, IUM offre un ambiente di apprendimento che combina i vantaggi dell’essere una piccola Business School, fortemente connessa con aziende e Alumni in tutto il mondo, con un profondo spirito multiculturale e imprenditoriale.
Dr. Jean-Philippe MULLER
Membri del comitato consultivo internazionale (IAB)
- Prof. Pierre André Chiappori, Ph.D., President of the IAB and Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA
- Prof. Andreas Altmann, Ph.D., Rector – Management Center Innsbruck- Internationale Hochschule GmbH and Management Center Innsbruck
- Sophie Arnaud Deromedi, CEO of Adstoria – Board of Directors of the French Foreign Trade Advisors, Executive Committee of the CCE – President of the CCE Monaco
- Michel Bouquier, Former Senior Advisor at Finance and Economy Department Monaco, Monaco Private Label, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Brigitte Chanoine, PhD., Rector – ICHEC Brussels Management School, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Paul Champsaur, Former President of the “Autorité de la statistique publique“, France
- Michel Dotta, President of the Monaco Economic Board, Principality of Monaco
- Mathias Emmerich, President Supervisory Board, OMNES Education
- Nicolas Feit, President of the “Monaco for Finance” center (AMAF), Principality of Monaco
- S.E.M. Henri Fissore, Ambassador assigned to the Prime Minister, and President of the Grimaldi Forum, Principality of Monaco
- Mathieu Gérald, President of “Monaco For Finance” center (AMAF) – Managing Director Head of Private Bank Europe and Middle East CEO Barclays Monaco chez BARCLAYS PRIVATE BANK
- Françoise Gri, Administrator, Supervisory Board, OMNES Education
- Sir Stelios Haji Ioannou, CEO of Easy Group, UK
- Annabelle Jaeger-Seydoux, Director of the Mission for Energy Transition of the Principality of Monaco
- Dominique Jacomet, Ph.D., Former Dean « Institut Francais de la mode », France
- Prof. Frédéric Jenny, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, ESSEC Business School, France, and Judge at the Supreme Court of France, France
- Prof. Michel Kalika, Ph.d., Emeritus Professor IAE Lyon Université Jean Moulin, France; President of Business Science Institute; Founder of BSIS EFMD-FNEGE Label
- Prof. Jean-Noel Kapferer, Ph.d., Professor of Luxury Brand Management, HEC Paris, France
- Peter Kütemann, President of the Monaco Impact and Founder & CEO of Dietsmann, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Jean Michel Lasry, Ph.D., Financial Mathematics Specialist and Scientific Director Data Lab at Institut Louis Bachelier, Université de Recherche Paris-Sciences-et-Lettres, France
- Olivier Marcheteau, OMNES Education General Management – International and Specialized Schools Division
- Gérald Mathieu, Former President of “Monaco For Finance” center (AMAF) – Managing Director Head of Private Bank Europe and Middle East CEO Barclays Monaco chez BARCLAYS PRIVATE BANK
- Daniel Mayran, President of Bluebell Korea and Seoul Luxury Business Institute, South Korea
- José Milano, Executive Chairman, OMNES Education.
- Jean-Philippe Muller, Ph.D., General Director & Dean of the International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Hervé Ordioni, CEO International Private Banking, Edmond de Rothschild Group, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Kristina Orfali, Ph.D., Professor of Bioethics, Columbia University, USA, and faculty associate at the Center for Bioethics and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP)
- Antonella Patras, Ph.D., Academic Dean of the International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Jacques Perrin, Ph.D., Former Dean of ESCP Europe Business School, France and Former Dean, CERAM Business School, France
- Prof. Michel Pham, Ph.D., President of the Scientific Council at the International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco and Professor at Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, USA
- President (or his representative) of the Supreme Court of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Bernard Ramanantsoa, Ph.D., President of the International University of Monaco, Former Dean of HEC Business School, Paris, France
- Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Maurice Thévenet, Ph.D., Professor at the “Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers” (Cnam) and at the “École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales” (Essec); Former General Delegate of the “Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE)
Fedele al suo motto latino – SEMPER AD ALTUM – IUM ha sempre perseguito una strategia di eccellenza. Il riconoscimento internazionale da parte dei principali organismi di accreditamento come AACSB International e l’Associazione degli MBA (AMBA) è, naturalmente, al centro di questa strategia. Ma il riconoscimento arriva anche in altre forme; per esempio, IUM appare regolarmente in prestigiose classifiche internazionali come: The Economist Which MBA? Top 100, o CNN-Expansión global MBA ranking. Offrire programmi educativi che anticipino le esigenze del mercato del lavoro è il nostro obiettivo primario!
Dr. Antonella PATRAS
Vice Dean
Consiglio scientifico
- Prof. Michel Pham, Ph.D., President of the Scientific Council and Professor at Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, USA
- Prof. Catherine Kuzsla, Ph.D., Director of Research, OMNES Education
- Prof. Pierre André Chiappori, Ph.D., President of the IAB and Professor of Economics, Columbia University, USA
- Prof. David Dubois, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, France
- Prof. Jane Hendy, Ph.D., Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Kingston University, London, UK
- Prof. Frédéric Jenny, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, ESSEC Business School, France, and Judge at the Supreme Court of France, France
- Prof. Jean-Noel Kapferer, Ph.d., Professor of Luxury Brand Management, HEC Paris, France
- Prof. Jean Michel Lasry, Ph.D., Financial Mathematics Specialist and Scientific Director Data Lab at Institut Louis Bachelier, Université de Recherche Paris-Sciences-et-Lettres, France
- Prof. Martin Messner, Ph.D., Professor of Management Control, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
- Prof. Felicitas Morhart, Ph.D., Vice-Dean and professor of Marketing at HEC Lausanne, Founder of the Swiss Center for Luxury Research
- Prof. Hans Mühlbacher, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Marketing, International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Jean-Philippe Muller, Ph.D., General Director & Dean of the International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Kristina Orfali, Ph.D., Professor of Bioethics, Columbia University, USA, and faculty associate at the Center for Bioethics and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP)
- Jacques Perrin, Ph.D., Former Dean of ESCP Europe Business School, France, and Former Dean at CERAM Business School, France
- Bernard Ramanantsoa, Ph.D., President of the International University of Monaco, Former Dean of HEC Business School, Paris, France
- Prof. Mariateresa Torchia Ph.D., Director of Research and Director of the DBA Program, International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco
- Prof. Pierre Valette-Florence, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, Grenoble University, France