Candidates start their learning journey to the DBA with introductory modules within the Master’s program. Upon completing these modules, you will receive an MSc in Business Research from MCI – The Entrepreuneurial School, which will enable you to enter the second phase of the DBA program at IUM – the preparation of the actual doctoral thesis. MCI and IUM will accompany you through the entire process: from your research project’s step-by-step to its final implementation.

Program Highlights
- The close connection between academic and managerial work
- The personal engagement of the academic advisors in project teams
- The fruitful exchanges with experienced peers during residential weeks
- The step-by-step guidance through the entire doctoral project work
Participant Profile
Managers who wish to take stock of the professional experience acquired to date, take a step back, and reflect on a critical issue in light of the latest academic knowledge.
Indeed, the Double Degree provides professionals who seek to reach a new level of personal development with an opportunity for reflection, analysis, and academic stocktaking through sustained dialogue with academics and experts of proven international standing