Cookies policy

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What is a cookie?

Cookies are little files which are installed on your computer or your peripheral for a short period of time while you visit our web sites.

The purpose of cookies

We use cookies to make your visits to our sites and your registration more efficient and safer. Cookies also enable us to improve browsing on our sites and to understand your browsing preferences.

How we use the cookies

We use the cookies to :

  • memorize your connection information.
  • identify you as soon as you connect to our web sites.
  • combine information so as to be able to send you advertising tailored to your interests.
  • memorize your browsing preferences such as chosen language, font size, page presentation or colour choices. This will allow you to browse our sites more easily and quickly.
  • collect analytical information, for example, the number of visits to our web sites and the pages most visited. We use this data analysis for marketing purposes and ressource planning.
  • identify if our visiters easily adapt to the modifications we introduce to our web sites.

Information collected by using cookies

Cookies help us collect information about how you use our web sites. We never keep any data which would allow us to personally identify you in the cookie data concerning you. We only register a session identifier which helps us find a user profile and your preferences in a following visit.

Types of cookies

  • Session cookies – this type of cookie is temporarily stored in your computer or peripheral memory while you are using the site. They are deleted from your computer or peripheral memory when you close the web browser.
  • Permanent cookies – this type of cookie is saved longer in your computer memory. They allow us to recognize you in the case of repeated browsing sessions.

These cookies can be divided into several categories :

  • Cookies required for browsing (technical cookies)
    These cookies are absolutely necessary to allow you to browse our internet site and to be able to use the different functions in the best possible way. These cookies are installed exclusively by OMNES Education.
  • Functionality cookies
    These cookies are essential for browsing as they optimize how our site functions and give you access to specific features. They also enable you to adapt the images from our site to suit the display preferences of your computer. These cookies also mean that you can have fluid and tailor-made browsing.
  • Statistical cookies
    These cookies allow us to monitor site performance, establish statistics concerning how often and which features are visited on our sites (content visited and paths chosen to reach them). These cookies allow us to improve usability ergonimics and make our services more interesting (the most visited pages or sections, the most read articles, …). These cookies are also used to count the number of visiters to a page and to detect any possible site misfunctions.
  • Advertising cookies
    These cookies are used to present offers and information tailored to where you have shown interest while browsing internet. Refusing these cookies will have no impact on how you use our site. However, refusing advertising cookies will not stop advertising while you browse. It only means that advertising will not take your preferences or interests into account.
  • Social media cookies
    Our website contains third-party elements (button applications) which enable users to share specific content on social media. Examples include « share », « like », « g+1 » and « tweet » from social media sites like « Facebook », « Google+ », « Twitter », etc.
  • If you use these third-party elements, for example by clicking on « like » or by leaving a comment, the information will be transferred to the social media and published on your profile.
  • If you do not wish the social media site to link collected information from our site to your user account, you must first deconnect from the social media.
  • We encourage you to consult the social media’s privacy protection policies to know how the information collected by clicking these buttons is used, especially about advertising and browsing data information.

Cookie Publisher : Tradelab
Type of Cookies : Cookies publicitaires
Confidentiality policy :

Cookie Publisher : TimeOne
Type of Cookies : Cookies publicitaires
Confidentiality policy :

Cookie Publisher : Google Adwords
Type of Cookies : Cookies publicitaires
Confidentiality policy :

Cookie Publisher : Facebook Ads
Type of Cookies : Cookies publicitaires
Confidentiality policy :

Cookie Publisher : Google Analytics
Type of Cookies : Cookies statistiques
Confidentiality policy :

Cookie management

In compliance with regulations, you have the right to refuse cookies and the right to access all data concerning yourself. You can therefore refuse certain of our cookies being installed on your computer by using the appropriate settings in your browser. Most browsers have a menu with options allowing you to manage your cookies by resetting or by configuring cookie settings. Usually, the browser offers you the possibility to :

  • Display your cookies,
  • Authorize the cookies,
  • Turn off all cookies, or only specific cookies,
  • Turn off all cookies when you close the browser,
  • Block cookies,
  • Be informed when you receive a cookie.

Please note that if you choose to block our cookies, some of our websites’ functions will be deactivated (especially services like on-line registration, personalization or management of our site) and that your browser might also be affected. If you set the options in your browser to turn off all cookies, your browsing preferences will be deleted when you close the browser.

Please also note that if you have not set parameters to refuse cookies, our system will install them as soon as you go on one of our sites.

The user can turn off the use of cookies by setting their internet browser.

They can set their browser to refuse or turn off certain cookies. The following links show how to parameter cookies depending on the browser used :

Life span of your cookies

In compliance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the validity of explicit consent for installing cookies on our sites is 13 month maximum after first being installed on your equipment. This is not extended by further visits. On the expiry date, your consent must be given again.
Therefore 13 months is the maximum life span of a cookie.

Further information about cookies

To know more about cookies, please consult the following page.

Updated 8 July 2024