Last week, Dr. Jauffret invited the start-up Carboncoin in her class, “Internal & External Communication.”
Providing hands-on experience to our students has always been a priority at IUM.

Carboncoin is, without any hesitation, a great idea! It was a real opportunity and a significant experience for us to meet with these two entrepreneurs. We’ve learned a lot in terms of communication strategy, customer experience, sponsorships & partnerships, and corporate culture. It was also inspiring to question a young start-up especially for the students who want to create one or help an existing one to rise. Entrepreneurship is definitely rewarding but implies hard work and determination
Lauriane Rouillan
1st year Bachelor – Major in Marketing & Communication

As Dr. Jauffret said, “this invitation fulfills different goals:
- Make students discover the professional world and the entrepreneurial hub in particular;
- Train students to interview by applying tips and technics seen in class;
- Receive useful insights in business communication: the two CEOs explained their external and internal communication strategies (target audience, messages, corporate culture, etc.);
- Think out of the box: the two entrepreneurs are looking for dynamic profiles to join the team. They have also invited them to join a group of testers to improve the platform and analyze the customer experience. The aim is to propose some improvements to enhance the product. No need to say that it was good training to learn how to stand out from the crowd and show them how each of them could be a good candidate for their start-up.”
Interview by Juliette Bihi, 1st year Bachelor student, – Marketing & Communication major
In October 2020, two friends, Anton Falco and Alejandro Nicoli decided to create an environmental application called “Carboncoin,” supported by the Monegasque government and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
What is the concept? “It’s an app where users get rewarded for recycling. You scan the QR code, and you earned Carboncoin.”
But how do you make money? “There are 3 main channels: we take a percentage cut from the transaction platform, we also sell process data (about the percentage of recycling in a certain area…etc.) and from the government.”
Which companies are in collaboration with you? “For now, we’re already collaborating with Stars’n Bar in Monaco, but also Nike, Starbucks, and we are setting up other collaborations to have discounts for our users.”
What inspired you to start this business? “First, we are passionate about the environment, and secondly, we also want to create something that will make an impact.”
Do you have any advice for students who want to launch their own business too? “Don’t be afraid to talk about your idea to people around you to collect their advice. It is more than helpful! It is one of the mistakes we made initially by fear of having someone steals our idea.
You need to get out of your comfort zone! And don’t hesitate to delegate! If you don’t know anything about law, take a lawyer. He will do what you want to do faster and better than you, and you will have more time to develop your business.
And finally, everybody is scared of failing, so jump on the adventure and let’s see the result. And even if you fail, your experience will be worth it.”
“Their concept is very interesting: doing something good for the planet while having discounts in some stores!
Beyond the concept, all the advice they gave, the experience they shared, and the mistakes they faced, prove that with motivation, we can launch our business, no matter our age!”, said Mélissa Mazouz, 1st year Bachelor student – Marketing & Communication major.
Written by Juliette Bihi, Mélissa Mazouz, Lauriane Rouillan
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