Monaco Summer University

Home » Monaco Summer University

Enjoy Summer in Monaco ☀️😎. Study Luxury Business & Communication and broaden your international perspective.

Vous vous intéressez aux études post-Bac de votre enfant? Savez-vous qu’il est encore temps pour votre de postuler pour commencer notre BBA sans avoir à attendre un an?

Il peut s’inscrire pour notre prochaine rentrée de janvier 2022 avant le 16 janvier 2022.Invest in your professional development and global network during an exciting summer in Monaco.

Experience an extraordinary summer 🏊, take advantage of the opportunity to study while on the move.

Come and join us this summer. From July 4th to July 15th, 2022.

We look forward to seeing you on Campus.

Download the Brochure

Monaco Summer Program

Luxury Business & Communication Program

The summer university is designed for students who have obtained their high school diploma and university students. This program introduces the theory, concept, and practice of luxury business and communication.

Monaco, situated on the French Riviera, between France and Italy, is a truly dynamic, multicultural, and cosmopolitan environment where students can study and experience the industry of excellence.

Why summer program at IUM?

Each course curriculum includes guest speakers and teamwork on real-life business cases and situations, putting your problem-solving, soft skills, and creativity to the test. The courses’ emphasis on working in teams will allow you to meet, socialize with and learn from carefully selected bright and dynamic young people with a lot of talent to share.

English immersion program

Learn how to express yourself spontaneously and become more comfortable speaking English through fun and practical English lessons at the International University of Monaco.

Program highlights

  • English Tutors
  • Students of Different Nationalities
  • Friendly Atmosphere
  • Study in the Heart of Monaco

Admission requirements

  • A digital photo
  • A copy of your ID or passport
  • Your High School Diploma (only if applying for Luxury Business & Communication program)
  • A CV/Resume (only if applying for Luxury Business & Communication program)

Admission process

Our Ambassadors

Ask them questions about the structure of the program, the admission process or career opportunities!

Our MSc programs

Who are we?





IUM is certified by

Key figures






Students per class


Companies in Monaco


Events in Monaco per year

Updated 5 December 2023